Frequently Asked Questions

We have compiled a list of common inquiries to help you understand our offerings better

What does count as a query?

Each unique request sent to Brainwave is considered a query. Follow-ups within the same conversation are counted as separate queries.

What is an assistant?

An assistant refers to any chatbot implementation you use. For example, if you embed one chatbot in your website, that's considered one assistant. If you have chatbots on two websites, that would count as two assistants, and so forth.

What if I exceed my query limit?

If your assistants exceed your monthly limit, you will receive a friendly email from our team congratulating you on your success and reminding you to upgrade your plan within a grace period.

Do you provide API access?

Our API is currently in limited beta testing. We are excited to make it public soon!

Can my Assistant answer in different languages?

Yes, our assistants are multilingual. They can seamlessly transition between different languages within the same conversation.

What type of data can I use for my Assistant?

You can provide any text data: PDFs, website links, .txt, .doc files, etc. If you require another type of content to train your assistant, please connect with us.

Is there a fixed permanence period?

No, our plans offer the flexibility you need. You can subscribe or unsubscribe to any of our plans whenever you want. Please note that if you subscribe to a plan, that month's payment will be processed even if you unsubscribe before the period ends. There will be no subsequent bills in future cycles.